Special trend: velvet in the interior
For more than a year, velvet has been held in favor of designers of clothing…

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Blue color in the interior of the kitchen: designer tricks and beautiful examples
Blue in fashion today is a fact. However, if we talk about it in interior…

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What is good white floor in the interior
Black and white carpets in the interior. Black and white carpets in the interior. Black…


How to explain to the designer which interior you want
Even the most experienced and talented interior designer, first of all, is a person. He…


which can cause

Microtrands: monstera in the interior

Interior design is based on the basic rules, fashion trends, experiments and the so-called microtrends. Today, one of the main microtrends is in decorating rooms with potted plants. Now not only grandmothers and housewives grow flowers in the house, now it is fashionable! Now special favorites can be called succulents, sansevieriya and monstera. The last plant deserves special attention, because the monstera was so fond of the designers that the image of its large “torn” leaves is widely used today.
Meet Monstera
Monstera began to be popular relatively recently, although it appeared quite a long time ago in our area in the 18th century. Continue reading

Stylish interior: 15 items and design techniques to help
Stylish interior - the concept is very subjective and foggy. Even an expensive interior, at…


Stylish and comfortable dining area - it is always possible!
You will not believe it, but if you strongly want, then a stylish and comfortable…
