Why do we need secret doors in the interior and how to hide them
Speaking of secret doors, only stories about old castles and mysterious Narnia come to mind.…

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Eco-friendly interior: the house in which the soul rests
Despite the progress that is taking leaps and bounds literally in every sphere, everything natural…

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10 design tricks for those who have a very small living room
Logically, the living room should be the most spacious room. But in fact, by no…


Why do we need secret doors in the interior and how to hide them
Speaking of secret doors, only stories about old castles and mysterious Narnia come to mind.…


matte surfaces

Which interior is better: dark or light?

… On this topic, you can carry on endless disputes, but everything always depends on situational circumstances and your perception. Anyway, today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of dark and light interiors, as well as how to make their design as comfortable, beautiful and stylish as possible.
Bright interiors
Perhaps, it is worth starting with light interiors, since this is the choice of the majority.
The advantages of bright interiors
They are light and spacious, even if the room is quite small, it is easy to breathe in bright interiors, they are calm and unobtrusive. The interior design in bright colors looks festive and neat. Continue reading

Symmetry in the interior
Symmetry in the interior is ubiquitous: a pair of identical chairs in the living room,…


Suprematism style in interior design
Everyone knows the great Soviet avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, thanks to his unique work called…
