Provence style living room
Before the Scandinavian style broke into the world of interior design and conquered it, the…

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Symmetry in the interior
Symmetry in the interior is ubiquitous: a pair of identical chairs in the living room,…

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Ideal bedroom: 5 design tips
It is clear that the design of the bedroom is a purely individual matter, because…


Suprematism style in interior design
Everyone knows the great Soviet avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, thanks to his unique work called…


lot of free space

Eco Business: Eco Friendly Store Interiors

The idea of ​​friendship with nature firmly sat down in the minds of modern people: today’s consumers will not buy a piece of soap without first finding out how much its manufacturer can boast of a non-influence on the environment. Hence, the widespread fashion for eco-style, not only in residential interiors, but also in the interiors of cafes, shops and even hotels.
The main idea of ​​eco-interiors is the use of natural materials that do not harm nature, as well as the reuse and recycling of things. And since business should always be on the side of consumers, today a huge number of stores prefer this style. Continue reading

Cafe interior: fashion trends

In the interior of a cafe, diner or coffee house everything should be designed for the comfort and aesthetic pleasure of the visitor. From how successful the establishment of the establishment will largely depend on its profitability and, accordingly, the owner’s income.
Of course, cozy blankets for a summer playground, candles in high can-lit candlesticks and garden furniture made of artificial rattan have long ago become almost obligatory attributes of a cafe. Let’s consider what design techniques in the interior design of a cafe can be called the most fashionable today. In other words, what do people like?
Window rack Continue reading

Stylish and comfortable dining area - it is always possible!
You will not believe it, but if you strongly want, then a stylish and comfortable…


Interior decoration: practical advice, numbers, ideas
You can decorate any room on a whim, guided by inspiration alone, and hope that…
