Attic turns into the attic. Attic interior
The idea of ​​rational use of premises under the roof belongs to the French architect…

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Interesting design of the hotel, grill and bar Baltazar in Hungary
If you ever find yourself in Budapest, traveling around Hungary, then the Baltazar hotel is…

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Small kitchen: some good examples + design tips
The theory and practice of interior design are different things. Therefore, in today's article of…


Ideas for decor and decoration of the balcony on the eve of summer
Summer in the city, as always, comes unexpectedly, so today we offer to recall his…


competently arrange

Which interior is better: dark or light?

… On this topic, you can carry on endless disputes, but everything always depends on situational circumstances and your perception. Anyway, today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of dark and light interiors, as well as how to make their design as comfortable, beautiful and stylish as possible.
Bright interiors
Perhaps, it is worth starting with light interiors, since this is the choice of the majority.
The advantages of bright interiors
They are light and spacious, even if the room is quite small, it is easy to breathe in bright interiors, they are calm and unobtrusive. The interior design in bright colors looks festive and neat. Continue reading

Stylish interior: 15 items and design techniques to help

Stylish interior – the concept is very subjective and foggy. Even an expensive interior, at times, can look dull and rustic, and inexpensive furnishings, on the contrary, can fascinate and leave an indelible impression. To achieve the very “wow effect”, designers use interesting moves and focus on stylish things. What exactly – read and see in our today’s article.
Soaring furniture
Heavy, littered with decor and furniture, the interiors look sloppy and not at all stylish. In the trend – lightness, free space, plenty of air and light. Therefore, soaring furniture in the air today is very relevant. It is ideal for the interior of a small apartment: compact and light, it will not only make the decoration interesting, but also save a little space.
Transparent furniture Continue reading

Eco Business: Eco Friendly Store Interiors
The idea of ​​friendship with nature firmly sat down in the minds of modern people:…


How to make a long living room visually more proportional
If your living room is long and narrow, and there is no opportunity to make…
