Eco-friendly interior: the house in which the soul rests
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Gold in the interior: features of the use of color and texture of metal
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10 design tricks for those who have a very small living room
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The most common mistakes in the design of the living room

In an effort to create a beautiful interior living room, which would like both family members and guests, we often forget about the important details. Such seemingly insignificant errors can lead to the fact that in everyday life the room will simply become uncomfortable and quickly lose its appearance, even if a lot of time and money was put on its design.
Impractical upholstery
The price of furniture textiles does not speak about its performance. Therefore, it is not important how much you paid for the original upholstery of the sofa and / or chairs, but what qualities the material has. Say, if you can afford to buy a set of furniture with leather upholstery, think about whether you can provide these items with proper care? Generally, proper care of furniture is the key to its durability. But some materials need a special and thorough approach.
A sofa with velor or velvet upholstery is, of course, luxury and beauty, but this textile cannot be called the most durable and, therefore, such furniture is good as an accent in the design of a country house or any other room where it will not be sat every day. – under such operating conditions, it will lose its appearance much sooner than you want to update the interior.
With fabrics it is clear: you should choose the most practical materials. And what about color? Many are afraid to buy light furniture in the living room – too labeled. But today there are special repulsive impregnations for textiles. If the upholstery of the chair is treated with such a mixture, then neither dirt, nor even spilled wine will be terrible.
Poor storage system
In the living room, as in any other room, things are stored. It doesn’t matter whether they are decorative or exclusively for domestic use – they should not spoil the interior design. Remember that things also tend to accumulate, so the storage system should allow you to conveniently place everything that was not in the house before. In this captivity racks help very well. Models with open and closed modules are especially convenient – everything you need can be hidden from the eyes, the rest can be put on display. Also a good service will support the suspension modules and shelves. But you should not get carried away either: the abundance of suspended elements visually crushes the space and makes the interior heavier.
If you have a small living room, it is advisable to think of a hidden storage system: the less open shelves and modules there are, the better. Things can be stored in the sofa, built-in lockers, hollow ottomans and even in the coffee table, if you find a suitable model.
Incorrect placement of the TV area
If you intend to hang a plasma in the living room, be sure to choose a suitable place to place it. Firstly, it should be borne in mind that all the furniture will be deployed in the direction of the TV – how comfortable will it be in terms of ergonomics? Wouldn’t that make it difficult to move around the room? Secondly, the distance from the screen to the person sitting on the sofa should be optimal, so that there is no strong strain on the eyes. Thirdly, it is desirable that the window was on the left or on the right, relative to the TV. If it is on the opposite wall, disturbing reflections and highlights will appear on the screen.
A lot of furniture, a lot of decor
Experts in the field of interior design tirelessly repeat: the greatest luxury in the design of a room is free space. Furniture should be just enough to provide comfort, but it should not fill all the space, leaving a minimum of space for maneuvers. Again, if you have a small living room, it is better to reduce not the size of the furniture, but its amount. Instead of a whole furniture group, you can put a large and comfortable sofa and a concise coffee table – it will look much neater. Follow the golden rule: “less is more” and do not burden the interior of the living room with unnecessary details.

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