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Ideal bedroom: 5 design tips

It is clear that the design of the bedroom is a purely individual matter, because the interior of this room must fully adapt to its owner: his needs, character and temperament. Nevertheless, we have prepared for you a list of five universal tips that, in any case, will only improve the design of the bedroom and help you to feel extremely comfortable in it.
Lightness of the interior and nothing extra
Few people like to fall asleep in a room that looks more like a closet or, at best, a magical treasure box. The bedroom should be as spacious as possible so that you can easily think and breathe. Try to use in the design only the necessary furniture and a minimum of decor. Do not overload the design with many details, including too active wallpaper pattern. If you still want an unusual way to decorate the walls, it is best to glue the unusual wallpaper not around the perimeter, but on one of the walls. Best of all, if it is a wall behind the head of the bed – the bedroom will look spectacular, but the drawing will not attract your attention to yourself while you are trying to fall asleep.
Very good and easy in the interior of the bedroom will look soaring furniture – hanging bedside tables, tables and even soaring bed. This decision will be especially relevant if you have a small bedroom.
Think over the storage system
As a rule, more things are stored in the bedroom than even in the living room or hallway. So that this does not become a problem, and so that the whole room is not captured by bulky cabinets, thumbs, and things that have nowhere to hide, it is advisable to think over the storage system in advance. Especially if the bedroom is small. In this case, it is best to make the built-in wardrobes with smooth facades in the color of the walls – they will visually dissolve in the design of the room. You can also use the space below and even above the bed.
Female corner
When you have already excluded everything unnecessary from the interior of the bedroom and decided where to store the necessary, then it will probably be possible to make room for organizing a “female” corner, which is not needed except in a room for a bachelor. If the bedroom is designed for two or, especially, for a free lady, then there is no way to do without a dressing table. And think over its location preferably in advance – so that it fits into the interior as it should, and it was convenient to do makeup and the lighting was at the proper level. Believe me, a well-designed dressing table in the bedroom interior is the key to a good mood of any girl and woman.
Different lighting scenarios
The bedroom should be comfortable at different times of the day: in the morning when you are going to work, and in the evening when you want to create an intimate atmosphere, and before going to sleep if you want to read a book when the other half wants to fall asleep early. All this is possible solely due to different lighting scenarios – one chandelier (even with a dimmer that controls the brightness of artificial light), alas, is indispensable. At a minimum, it is worthwhile to arrange additional and independent lighting on both sides of the bed. The maximum is to arrange such lighting in the room so that it is direct for all occasions.
Buy quality bedding
In the end, when you close your eyes, lying in bed, the only thing that matters in the design of the bedroom is a tactile sensation. Therefore, we advocate for exceptionally high quality bedding for the season. So, you will be warmed in the winter and will not stick to the sheets in the summer, you will be pleased to feel the touch of natural textiles, and what to say about the aesthetic pleasure to have a luxurious set? To save on this definitely can not be!

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