Provence style living room
Before the Scandinavian style broke into the world of interior design and conquered it, the…

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Interior Ideas: Autumn Updates
May we still not squeeze in the warm rays of the September sun, dampness, coolness…

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Ultra Violet: the most fashionable hue of 2018 in the interior
This year, we have not yet been able to talk about fashionable shades. And, perhaps,…


How to explain to the designer which interior you want
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Bedroom for a man or a masculine interior

The masculine interior is an interior with a deliberately masculine, pronounced character. There is no place for compromise and mystery, but there is for practicality, style and comfort. What could be the bedroom for a man? How to make it with the mind and taste? – We have for you a few ideas, examples and tips on this.
Color spectrum
In principle, a bedroom for a man can be decorated in any shades: from the brightest to the luminous – the main thing is that this should suit the owner of the interior and reflect his temperament. But if we talk about masculine design, if you need to express masculinity, strength and seriousness in shades, then there is nothing more appropriate than deep, basic colors: black, white, gray, green and brown. Black-and-brown interiors look particularly impressive, stylish and strong. But at the same time it is extremely important to take into account the dimensions of the room – for such a scale it should be spacious enough and light.
Storage system and wardrobe
I do not want to say that men are more sloppy than women – it would be unfair. But in order to simplify the bedroom owner’s cleaning and life in general, it is better to organize a hidden storage system. Built-in wardrobes that “dissolve” in the interior are just what you need: the design of the room looks more concise, the room itself becomes visually more spacious, and all things are safely hidden from view and you should not worry if the shelves are not quite in order.
Another good idea could be an open dressing room – for those things that can be worn right now. This is a time saving and stylish addition to interior design, if a man prefers to wear a certain color scheme (otherwise hangers with fancy clothes only ruin the look of the room).
Leather, wood, metal
… These are the materials that will emphasize the courage of the interior. Especially convincing, expensive and stylish here will look natural, rough skin. In addition, to introduce such an element will be easy, regardless of the color scheme of the interior.
Ethnic motifs, animal prints.
All men are hunters by nature, scavengers. And characteristic, rough ethnic patterns, as well as animal prints can emphasize this very precisely. Of course, it would not be entirely appropriate if the bedroom is decorated in a classic style, but if not, why not experiment?
Deliberate mess
Again, among the representatives of the stronger sex, few people are unable to maintain order in the room. But, believe me, some carelessness will add a special charm to the design. The main thing that it was provided in advance. Say, magazines deliberately left on the bedside table, a picture standing on the floor (which may be hung on the wall in the future), a textured plaid thrown at the foot of the sofa – all this can only decorate the bedroom and give it additional charm.
Art objects
A men’s bedroom should not resemble a barrack or a corner of the ascetic. There may be and even should be objects of art: photographs / paintings / busts. Moreover, it is precisely with the help of such details that you can give the design the desired mood, set the necessary atmosphere and express what I would like to convey without words.

Why do we need secret doors in the interior and how to hide them
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Attic turns into the attic. Attic interior
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