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Microtrands: monstera in the interior

Interior design is based on the basic rules, fashion trends, experiments and the so-called microtrends. Today, one of the main microtrends is in decorating rooms with potted plants. Now not only grandmothers and housewives grow flowers in the house, now it is fashionable! Now special favorites can be called succulents, sansevieriya and monstera. The last plant deserves special attention, because the monstera was so fond of the designers that the image of its large “torn” leaves is widely used today.
Meet Monstera
Monstera began to be popular relatively recently, although it appeared quite a long time ago in our area in the 18th century. And this tropical liana arrived to us from afar: from the equatorial forests of Guatemala, Mexico, and South America. Her name may seem slightly alarming, associating with monsters and monsters, however, it most likely comes from the Latin word “monstrosus”, which translates as “fancy” or “amazing”. This is a good reason not to believe the legends hovering around this plant.
Monstera Cultivation
Carved monstera leaves will perfectly fit into any interior design, so if you like this liana and you would like to grow it, you shouldn’t think twice. It can be grown independently from seeds, aerial roots, side shoots, or a cutting. If you want to admire it today, buy an adult plant. The main thing is that the age of Monstera was no more than 3-5 years, since then it starts to age, simultaneously losing its lower leaves and its spectacular appearance.
In the care of Monstera, one might say, unpretentious – this is undoubtedly a big plus for any busy person. She likes regular watering, diffused lighting and sparse dressing. It is necessary to transplant this vine no more than 2-3 times a year. Observing these simple requirements, you can grow monster, rising to 3 meters. But since it is still a creeping plant, it will need support. In gratitude, you can also receive flowers and even edible fruits that look like pineapple.
Important: do not be deceived by the harmless fruits of creepers! In the leaves and other parts of the monster, poisonous juice flows, which can cause serious poisoning and even chemical burns. Therefore, transplanting and especially cutting the vines should be dealt with strictly with gloves! If there are small children and / or pets in the house, then it is better to refuse to grow such a flower in the name of the safety of their health.
Monstera leaves in the interior
What else is good monstera – its fashionable leaves can be cut and put in a vase, as a separate decoration. They will not fade, saving lives through photosynthesis.
Also the leaves of this vine can be dried in the manner of a herbarium and framed; use as a stamp, as suggested by fashion decorator Charlotte Cruise, to create original prints; and also to use as a template for cutting out “leaves of monstera” from paper and textiles (in the manufacture of napkins, panels, and so on).
If for one reason or another you can’t or don’t want to grow a live creeper, but you like this trend, you can support it with posters, textiles and even wallpaper with the image of monster leaves – this is absolutely fashionable!

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