Which interior is better: dark or light?
... On this topic, you can carry on endless disputes, but everything always depends on…

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Interior Ideas: Autumn Updates
May we still not squeeze in the warm rays of the September sun, dampness, coolness…

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Hotel room interior: why hotel guests prefer light colors
If you travel a lot and often, you probably noticed that during the registration of…


Black and white interiors: tips, subtleties, examples
On the one hand, black and white interiors are classics. This is a luxury, perfect…


worry if the shelves

Suprematism style in interior design

Everyone knows the great Soviet avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, thanks to his unique work called “Black Square”. But few people know that this man became the founder of a whole trend in art, and it is called “Suprematism”. What is this style and how it can be displayed in the interior – read in today’s article of our magazine.
The history of Suprematism in art
Suprematism (from the Latin. Supremus – the highest) – direction in avant-garde art, founded in the 1st half of the 1910s by KS Malevich. Continue reading

Stylish and comfortable dining area – it is always possible!

You will not believe it, but if you strongly want, then a stylish and comfortable dining area can be organized even in the smallest apartment, without condemning your budget for holes. It’s so nice – to have breakfast and dinner in a beautiful setting, to proudly invite guests to the table … Let’s use vivid examples and get professional advice to learn how to make your weekdays and holidays a little more beautiful – all you need is to make the food area as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. .
Dining table layout
The most common and offensive mistake is that we try to squeeze the dining table where it is supposed to be – in a certain corner of the kitchen. At the same time, a standard table does not always want to fit in there, or its “correct” location causes daily inconvenience. Continue reading

Stylish interior: 15 items and design techniques to help

Stylish interior – the concept is very subjective and foggy. Even an expensive interior, at times, can look dull and rustic, and inexpensive furnishings, on the contrary, can fascinate and leave an indelible impression. To achieve the very “wow effect”, designers use interesting moves and focus on stylish things. What exactly – read and see in our today’s article.
Soaring furniture
Heavy, littered with decor and furniture, the interiors look sloppy and not at all stylish. In the trend – lightness, free space, plenty of air and light. Therefore, soaring furniture in the air today is very relevant. It is ideal for the interior of a small apartment: compact and light, it will not only make the decoration interesting, but also save a little space.
Transparent furniture Continue reading

How to explain to the designer which interior you want
Even the most experienced and talented interior designer, first of all, is a person. He…


10 design tricks for those who have a very small living room
Logically, the living room should be the most spacious room. But in fact, by no…
