Small kitchen: some good examples + design tips
The theory and practice of interior design are different things. Therefore, in today's article of…

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Decorating hotel rooms wallpaper
Already we can say definitely that one of the most popular types of finishing materials…

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Neoclassicism in the interior of the bedroom
Quite often, rooms of respectable hotels are decorated in the neoclassical style. And for good…


Bedroom for a man or a masculine interior
The masculine interior is an interior with a deliberately masculine, pronounced character. There is no…


velvet decorative pillows

Attic turns into the attic. Attic interior

The idea of ​​rational use of premises under the roof belongs to the French architect Francois Mansart. The name Mansarde has become firmly established in the languages ​​of various European nations for the designation of rooms located in whole or in part as if inside a gable roof.
At first they were servants’ rooms, storerooms, workshops. The real revolution in the development of mansards occurred in the 40s of the last century, since the housing problem was acute in big cities. Then began the active development of empty attics – with the device ventilation, lighting and heating.
In recent years, this problem has become relevant in our country. Continue reading

Stylish interior: 15 items and design techniques to help

Stylish interior – the concept is very subjective and foggy. Even an expensive interior, at times, can look dull and rustic, and inexpensive furnishings, on the contrary, can fascinate and leave an indelible impression. To achieve the very “wow effect”, designers use interesting moves and focus on stylish things. What exactly – read and see in our today’s article.
Soaring furniture
Heavy, littered with decor and furniture, the interiors look sloppy and not at all stylish. In the trend – lightness, free space, plenty of air and light. Therefore, soaring furniture in the air today is very relevant. It is ideal for the interior of a small apartment: compact and light, it will not only make the decoration interesting, but also save a little space.
Transparent furniture Continue reading

Special trend: velvet in the interior

For more than a year, velvet has been held in favor of designers of clothing and interiors. This seemingly luxurious material catches the eye and makes you fall in love. What else is due to the universal love of velvet, how it can be used in interior design and how to care for it later – read right now.
What we love velvet in the interior
First of all, of course, for its luxurious, expensive appearance. Natural silk velvet is an expensive fabric, but using it in interior design will increase its visual value at times, so the costs will be definitely justified.
Velvet – one of the best and most spectacular carriers of color. Any shade on it looks as deep and rich as possible, it will change and play with ebb, depending on the lighting. Continue reading

Olive color in the interior
Olive is a mood color. To love, you need to understand it and vice versa.…


Suprematism style in interior design
Everyone knows the great Soviet avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, thanks to his unique work called…
