Ideal bedroom: 5 design tips
It is clear that the design of the bedroom is a purely individual matter, because…

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Eco-friendly interior: the house in which the soul rests
Despite the progress that is taking leaps and bounds literally in every sphere, everything natural…

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Interesting design of the hotel, grill and bar Baltazar in Hungary
If you ever find yourself in Budapest, traveling around Hungary, then the Baltazar hotel is…


Ideal bedroom: 5 design tips
It is clear that the design of the bedroom is a purely individual matter, because…


various places

Interior Ideas: Autumn Updates

May we still not squeeze in the warm rays of the September sun, dampness, coolness and the first frosts will not take long to wait. Therefore, we have already collected for you simple, but relevant ideas for the interior, saving from the autumn blues and warming the soul. So, if you intend to update the design of your home, according to the season, we recommend the following …
Add textures
If in the summer heat you want lightness, smoothness and cool gloss, then with the arrival of autumn you can safely enter into the interior design pronounced textures, relying on them, and not on color. In principle, even a plain interior can look nontrivial and interesting thanks to textures. The easiest way to bring them through textiles. Well, and then: you must agree, it is pleasant to watch the Game of Thrones or another favorite series, wrapped in a fluffy or knitted blanket, which by its mere presence makes the room more comfortable. Continue reading

Special trend: velvet in the interior

For more than a year, velvet has been held in favor of designers of clothing and interiors. This seemingly luxurious material catches the eye and makes you fall in love. What else is due to the universal love of velvet, how it can be used in interior design and how to care for it later – read right now.
What we love velvet in the interior
First of all, of course, for its luxurious, expensive appearance. Natural silk velvet is an expensive fabric, but using it in interior design will increase its visual value at times, so the costs will be definitely justified.
Velvet – one of the best and most spectacular carriers of color. Any shade on it looks as deep and rich as possible, it will change and play with ebb, depending on the lighting. Continue reading

How to make a cafe cozy: interior design recommendations for owners

You can find a whole lot of tips on the design of cafes, bars and restaurants; all of them are aimed at making the place cozy and attractive for the visitor. There is no place for unnecessary elements, since everything, starting with clothing for waiters and household appliances, and ending with the design of a bar counter, is of paramount importance, reflecting the basic concept of the establishment. In this article, we have collected for you the most effective and relevant advice from experts who will help make the cafe cozy, original and, of course, popular among visitors.
The color scheme in the design of the cafe can be very different. The most important thing is to observe the harmony of the combination of shades. Continue reading

Small kitchen: some good examples + design tips
The theory and practice of interior design are different things. Therefore, in today's article of…


Interesting design of the hotel, grill and bar Baltazar in Hungary
If you ever find yourself in Budapest, traveling around Hungary, then the Baltazar hotel is…
