Neoclassicism in the interior of the bedroom
Quite often, rooms of respectable hotels are decorated in the neoclassical style. And for good…

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Blue color in the interior of the kitchen: designer tricks and beautiful examples
Blue in fashion today is a fact. However, if we talk about it in interior…

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Corian in the interior, or what is good acrylic stone
What is Corian is not known to everyone. However, every adult has heard about acrylic…


Olive color in the interior
Olive is a mood color. To love, you need to understand it and vice versa.…


spectacular component

Eco-friendly interior: the house in which the soul rests

Despite the progress that is taking leaps and bounds literally in every sphere, everything natural and organic is valued most of all today. Even the phenomenon of detox is known to almost everyone today. Eco-friendly interior is a kind of detox for the soul. This is a place where you can truly relax, gain new strength, find harmony with yourself and the world.
The principle of eco-friendly interior
It should immediately be said that the eco-friendly interior is not so much a stylistic direction as a separate movement aimed at creating the most environmentally friendly and emotionally relaxing atmosphere in the house. So, no matter whether you live in a country cottage or a small city apartment, you can always create your own personal “oasis” of peace. Continue reading

Luxury French Style Bathroom Interior

French style interior is most often found in the design of living rooms or, in extreme cases, bedrooms. But if you have a rather spacious bathroom, then why not decorate it in such a luxurious, elegant and noble style? Of course, we will show you how to do this better and show you wonderful examples – interior photos.
French style bathroom
Here you can afford, if not everything, then a lot: expensive finishes, elegant plumbing, large mirrors and even a chandelier. The main thing is that there is enough space for all this. Ideally, the bathroom should have a window and enough light. Continue reading

Ideal bedroom: 5 design tips

It is clear that the design of the bedroom is a purely individual matter, because the interior of this room must fully adapt to its owner: his needs, character and temperament. Nevertheless, we have prepared for you a list of five universal tips that, in any case, will only improve the design of the bedroom and help you to feel extremely comfortable in it.
Lightness of the interior and nothing extra
Few people like to fall asleep in a room that looks more like a closet or, at best, a magical treasure box. The bedroom should be as spacious as possible so that you can easily think and breathe. Try to use in the design only the necessary furniture and a minimum of decor. Do not overload the design with many details, including too active wallpaper pattern. If you still want an unusual way to decorate the walls, it is best to glue the unusual wallpaper not around the perimeter, but on one of the walls. Best of all, if it is a wall behind the head of the bed – the bedroom will look spectacular, but the drawing will not attract your attention to yourself while you are trying to fall asleep. Continue reading

10 design tricks for those who have a very small living room
Logically, the living room should be the most spacious room. But in fact, by no…


Black and white interiors: tips, subtleties, examples
On the one hand, black and white interiors are classics. This is a luxury, perfect…
