Corian in the interior, or what is good acrylic stone
What is Corian is not known to everyone. However, every adult has heard about acrylic…

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10 design tricks for those who have a very small living room
Logically, the living room should be the most spacious room. But in fact, by no…

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Eco Business: Eco Friendly Store Interiors
The idea of ​​friendship with nature firmly sat down in the minds of modern people:…


Suprematism style in interior design
Everyone knows the great Soviet avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, thanks to his unique work called…


room visually more

Attic turns into the attic. Attic interior

The idea of ​​rational use of premises under the roof belongs to the French architect Francois Mansart. The name Mansarde has become firmly established in the languages ​​of various European nations for the designation of rooms located in whole or in part as if inside a gable roof.
At first they were servants’ rooms, storerooms, workshops. The real revolution in the development of mansards occurred in the 40s of the last century, since the housing problem was acute in big cities. Then began the active development of empty attics – with the device ventilation, lighting and heating.
In recent years, this problem has become relevant in our country. Continue reading

Black and white interiors: tips, subtleties, examples

On the one hand, black and white interiors are classics. This is a luxury, perfect harmony and order. On the other hand, it is a somewhat eccentric color solution, it is uncompromising and designer courage. What are good black and white interiors, what are the nuances of their design and what they can be – we tell right now!
Black and white entrance hall
How many owners of standard apartments complain about the modest size of their hallways? Also exacerbated by the traditional lack of windows here. Therefore, the key to a competent interior design in such conditions will be correctly chosen color scheme. Continue reading

Choosing furniture for cafes

Chosen competently furniture emphasizes the dignity of the room, making it more comfortable. In the case of a cafe, it also helps to attract visitors, creates an ideal environment for recreation. In beautiful cafes with a pacifying atmosphere, people want to stay longer, which means they make more orders, which is good for the owner of the establishment.
Tables, chairs and upholstered furniture for cafes – all this should be not only beautiful, but also durable. After all, catering establishments regularly visit a huge number of customers. Continue reading

The most common mistakes in the design of the living room
In an effort to create a beautiful interior living room, which would like both family…


Scandinavian minimalism in the interior of the kitchen
As you probably already understood, Scandinavian minimalism is a mixed style derived from minimalism and…
