The interior in the style of minimalism
If you are among the people whose life is rational to asceticism and debugged, like…

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Which interior is better: dark or light?
... On this topic, you can carry on endless disputes, but everything always depends on…

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Luxury French Style Bathroom Interior
French style interior is most often found in the design of living rooms or, in…


Stylish interior: 15 items and design techniques to help
Stylish interior - the concept is very subjective and foggy. Even an expensive interior, at…


preliminary discussion

Small kitchen: some good examples + design tips

The theory and practice of interior design are different things. Therefore, in today’s article of our magazine you will not only be able to read a few useful tips on decorating a small kitchen, but also to see the most successful examples of their use!
Tip number 1: use uncluttered colors
Many people take this advice too literally and, among other things, try to give preference to the brightest, neutral hues. It cannot be said that this is a mistake – this technique really “works”, visually expanding the space. However, this may lead to the fact that the interior of the kitchen will be simply boring. Although, you can bet on a non-trivial, complex shade (even in the beige palette there are any). Continue reading

Suprematism style in interior design

Everyone knows the great Soviet avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, thanks to his unique work called “Black Square”. But few people know that this man became the founder of a whole trend in art, and it is called “Suprematism”. What is this style and how it can be displayed in the interior – read in today’s article of our magazine.
The history of Suprematism in art
Suprematism (from the Latin. Supremus – the highest) – direction in avant-garde art, founded in the 1st half of the 1910s by KS Malevich. Continue reading

Some more tips on decorating a small bedroom

In the magazine “Your interior” articles often appear on how to design a small bedroom, since this topic has been and remains relevant. Today we have prepared for you another selection of ideas and design tricks, thanks to which a small bedroom will become not only more visually spacious, but also much more convenient.
Climbing the podium
Even if the room is quite tiny, do not rush to dismiss the idea of ​​organizing a bed on the podium. Suppose at first glance it may seem that this is too cumbersome design, but in fact it is thanks to it that you can make the interior of the bedroom more ergonomic. Firstly, the podium can serve as storage for things (which is very important in close bedroom conditions). Continue reading

Interior decoration: practical advice, numbers, ideas
You can decorate any room on a whim, guided by inspiration alone, and hope that…


Eco-friendly interior: the house in which the soul rests
Despite the progress that is taking leaps and bounds literally in every sphere, everything natural…
