Why do we need secret doors in the interior and how to hide them
Speaking of secret doors, only stories about old castles and mysterious Narnia come to mind.…

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Eco Business: Eco Friendly Store Interiors
The idea of ​​friendship with nature firmly sat down in the minds of modern people:…

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Neoclassicism in the interior of the bedroom
Quite often, rooms of respectable hotels are decorated in the neoclassical style. And for good…


Some more tips on decorating a small bedroom
In the magazine "Your interior" articles often appear on how to design a small bedroom,…


evening playing

Microtrands: monstera in the interior

Interior design is based on the basic rules, fashion trends, experiments and the so-called microtrends. Today, one of the main microtrends is in decorating rooms with potted plants. Now not only grandmothers and housewives grow flowers in the house, now it is fashionable! Now special favorites can be called succulents, sansevieriya and monstera. The last plant deserves special attention, because the monstera was so fond of the designers that the image of its large “torn” leaves is widely used today.
Meet Monstera
Monstera began to be popular relatively recently, although it appeared quite a long time ago in our area in the 18th century. Continue reading

Eco-friendly interior: the house in which the soul rests

Despite the progress that is taking leaps and bounds literally in every sphere, everything natural and organic is valued most of all today. Even the phenomenon of detox is known to almost everyone today. Eco-friendly interior is a kind of detox for the soul. This is a place where you can truly relax, gain new strength, find harmony with yourself and the world.
The principle of eco-friendly interior
It should immediately be said that the eco-friendly interior is not so much a stylistic direction as a separate movement aimed at creating the most environmentally friendly and emotionally relaxing atmosphere in the house. So, no matter whether you live in a country cottage or a small city apartment, you can always create your own personal “oasis” of peace. Continue reading

Neoclassicism in the interior of the bedroom

Quite often, rooms of respectable hotels are decorated in the neoclassical style. And for good reason – this direction in design harmoniously combines conservatism, elegance and fashion trends. This style is perfect for the interior of the bedroom. Calm, but luxurious, it will emphasize your status and allow you to relax in a wonderful atmosphere.
Neoclassicism in the interior
Unlike strict classics, neoclassicism allows introducing the latest innovations and trends into interior design, expands the choice of materials and generally opens up more room for imagination. Here, everything is also based on symmetry, calm colors, simplicity of forms and grace of lines, but neoclassicism is perceived more easily and naturally. Continue reading

Brass in interior design
Anyway, the metal is found in the design of any interior. This may be invisible…


Symmetry in the interior
Symmetry in the interior is ubiquitous: a pair of identical chairs in the living room,…
